So Much to Celebrate!

Welcome to our new website!! There is so much to celebrate about our club, and a new website is a blank canvas in which we can paint a picture that highlights our achievements, promotes our programs, and informs our community. A huge thank you to Cara Ord for her hard work in getting this up and running!

We have just finished our most successful skating season ever – 33 skaters plus our Theatre Team represented LCCISC at the NSW State Championships, with 13 podium places and 9 State Champions!

15 of our skaters went on to represent Team NSW at the Australian National Figure Skating Championships in Brisbane, with outstanding results from all our skaters. Kryshtof Pradeaux is the Australian National Champion for Advanced Novice Boys, and William Palmer the Australian National Champion in Adult Masters Men!  

Kryshtof Pradeaux, Mia Kusilek and Milan Aubrecht were all awarded medals for being named on the 2023 Australian National Squad, for achieving one of the top 3 TES scores in their divisions throughout the season. 

Kryshtof has just returned from Jakarta where he competed in the Asian Trophy, and placed 2nd in Advanced Novice Boys. 

Our Aussie Skaters have come out on top of the Aussie Skater Points Score once again, with record numbers of skaters competing and placing on the podium.

I couldn’t be prouder of our club, of what our skaters have achieved, and how we all support each other through triumphs and disappointments. We are a family, joined by a passion for the ice, where each member is valuable and plays an important part. May we never lose sight of what makes us stronger together!

Fiona Kusilek
President, LCC Ice Skating Club